I made it through the first week of school! It was rough in the beginning because we didn't know what we were supposed to be doing, but it was much better by the end. I even got to teach some private lessons on Thursday and Friday! I taught a clarinet lesson on Thursday because the teacher wanted to work on paperwork; I taught a flute lesson Friday morning so the teacher could watch me teach. It was also his last day because he was filling in for the COST coordinator/music teacher who has been on leave. One marimba lesson I got to help with teaching scales and arpeggios, and the other marimba lesson I got to teach all on my own! The marimba lessons are just like they would be in the states, not like the marimba video I posted Thursday.
One of the teachers invited us to dinner Thursday evening. We went out to a pub that is famous among the Rhodes University students, but was fairly empty since those students aren't back in school yet. We all got delicious pizzas and had leftovers for lunch on Friday! I would have taken a picture, but that is the only time people have come up and asked me for money- when I have my camera out. So, I won't be taking many more pictures around Grahamstown. I will eventually take some pictures of the girls and the school, because it is okay to do that. And of course I will take pictures when I am doing touristy things outside of Grahamstown. The locals know that you have money if you have a camera or a phone out while in public and so will target you for asking for money or a job.
Last night's braai was a lot of fun! It is the same atmosphere as a barbecue, so there were a lot of people and a lot of little kids and a lot of meat! I should have taken pictures, but I didn't, so sorry about that. Hopefully there will be another one at some point in the future and I will take picTonight is the first social of the year. It is a music department fundraiser, so one of the music teachers is going to pick me and Wellyna up for that. It starts at 7, but there will be a concessions area, so we are getting there at 6 to help set that up. I will let you know how that goes! It should be fun, getting to hear some of their favorite music and see them all dance together.
Things are shaping up very nicely. I have now been here for officially over one week and everything has only gotten better! I'm excited to see what the next few weeks bring!
Congrats on surviving the trip and your first week, and thanks for sharing your experiences with us. You've learned so much already, imagine how comfortable you will be by Valentines Day!
aunt g
26/1/2013 11:48:48 am
Very proud of you! I am sure the students are loving you as much as we all do. Thanks for taking the time to share all these fabulous experiences with us.